G. Warren Nutter and The Political Economy of Liberty
This conference utilized Nutter's ideas and the controversies that surrounded his work as a springboard to discuss principles of liberal political economy with a group of primarily younger, eastern European scholars.
From Liberty Fund
The Economic Point of View
By Israel M. Kirzner
Edited and with an Introduction by Peter J. Boettke and Frédéric Sautet
The inaugural volume in Liberty Fund’s new Collected Works of Israel M. Kirzner series established Kirzner as a careful and meticulous scholar of economics. No other living economist is so closely associated with the Austrian School of economics as Israel M. Kirzner, Professor Emeritus of Economics at New York University.…
Additional Readings
Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg. Selected Writings of Lord Acton, Volume I: Essays in the History of Liberty. Edited by J. Rufus Fears. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1985.
Amalrik, Andrei. “Will the USSR Survive Until 1984?” Survey: A Journal of Soviet and East European Studies (Autumn 1969): 47-79.
Anonymous. “How Russia has Grown (A Review of 'The Growth of Industrial Production in the Soviet Union' by G. Warren Nutter).” The Economist (July 7 1962): 52-53.
Boorstin, Daniel J. The Genius of American Politics. Chicago: University Press of Chicago, 1953.
Campbell, Robert W. “Review of 'The Growth of Industrial Production in the Soviet Union' by G. Warren Nutter, with Israel Borenstein and Adam Kaufman.” The American Economic Review (March 1963): 177-179.
Conquest, Robert. Reflections on a Ravaged Century. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2000.
Gerschenkron, Alexander. Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective. New York: Fredrick A. Praeger, Publishers, 1965.
Jewkes, John. Ordeal by Planning. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1948.
Karcz, Jerzy F. “Review of 'The Growth of Industrial Production in the Soviet Union' by G. Warren Nutter (Assisted by Israel Borenstein and Adam Kaufman).” Journal of the American Statistical Association (June 1963): 572-575.
Levy, David M. and Sandra J. Peart. “Soviet Growth and American Textbooks: An Endogenous Past.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (January 2011): 110-125.
McCloskey, Deirdre N. The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006.
Nutter, G. Warren. Political Economy and Freedom. Edited by Jane Couch Nutter. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1983.
Rosefielde, Steven. Russia in the 21st Century: The Prodigal Superpower. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Thornton, Judith G. “Review of 'The Growth of Industrial Production in the Soviet Union' by G. Warren Nutter.” The Journal of Economic History (June 1963): 253-257.
Ward, Benjamin N. “Review of 'The Growth of Industrial Production in the Soviet Union, by G. Warren Nutter.” Economica (November 1963): 440-442.
Wiles, P. J. D. The Political Economy of Communism. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1962.
Wiles, Peter. “Sinews of Soviet Strength (Review of 'The Growth of Industrial Production in the Soviet Union' by G. Warren Nutter).” Challenge 10, no. 10 (July 1962): 44-45.