Capitalism, Ethics, and Catholic Social Teaching: Goetz Briefs and the Problems of a Pluralistic Society
This colloquium examined the legacy of Goetz Briefs and his influence in understanding the modern dilemma of the growth and role of government in our time. We focused on Briefs’s application of normative principles to the constitutional political economy of the modern pluralistic state.
Conference Readings
Briefs, Goetz. “Person and Ethos: Person and Individual in European Thought.” Review of Social Economy 41 (1960/1983): 228-234.
Briefs, Goetz. “Marginal Ethics in the Pluralistic Society.” Review of Social Economy 41 (1957/1983): 259-270.
Briefs, Goetz. “The Ethos Problem in the Present Pluralistic Society.” Review of Social Economy 41 (1960/1983): 271-299.
Briefs, Goetz. “Catholic Social Doctrine, Laissez Faire Liberalism, and Social Market Economy.” Review of Social Economics 41 (1960/1983): 246-258.
Briefs, Goetz, “Social Encyclicals and Liberal Ethics” In Social Order, St. Louis: Institute of Social Order, 1956. 13-20.
Briefs, Goetz, “'Natural Law' in Economic Liberalism” In Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und soziale Ordnung, edited by Lagler, Ernst and Messner, Johannes , 268-278. Wien: Verlag Herold, 1952.
Briefs, Goetz. Unionism Reappraised. . Wachington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute, 1960.
Briefs, Goetz. “Goetz A. Briefs.” Review of Social Economy 41 (1983): 210-211.
Briefs, Goetz. “The Roots of Totalism.” Review of Social Economy 41 (1944/1983): 300-316.
Briefs, Goetz. “The Dualism of German Culture.” American Journal of Economics and Sociology 3 (1944): 321-334.
Briefs, Henry. “Goetz Briefs on Capitalism and Democracy: an Introduction.” Review of Social Economy 41 (1983): 212-227.
Erhard, Ludwig, “Our Social Model: An Integrated Society” In Standard Texts on the Social Market Economy. Two Centuries of Discussion, edited by Ludwig-Erhard-Stiftung, 63-64. New York: Fischer, 1965/1966/1982.
Olson, Mancur. The Logic of Collective Action. Public Goods and the Theory of Groups. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982.
Röpke, Wilhelm. A Humane Economy: The Social Framework of the Free Market. Wilmington: ISI Books, 1998.