The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon

  • The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon

    by Arthur Seldon

    The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon spans 65 years of Seldon’s influential thought and includes all his pivotal works that helped to shape current economic thought. His arguments are as compelling and relevant today as they were over a half century ago. Each volume of this series has a contextual introduction and, except for Volume 3, an individual index. Volume…

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  • Everyman’s Dictionary of Economics

    by Arthur Seldon

    Everyman’s Dictionary of Economics, the third volume of The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon, translates the often obscure jargon and technical terminology of economics into direct, plain English understandable by both the academic and the layperson. The most abstruse topic becomes clear as he conveys the sense in ordinary language, without loss of meaning through oversimplification. Everyman’s Dictionary of Economics

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  • Government Failure and Over-Government

    by Arthur Seldon

    In the fifth volume of The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon, Arthur Seldon uses public choice economics research to support his theory of over-government. The term “over-government” was coined by Seldon and is defined as the failure of governments to govern well, leading the public to avoid government programs in favor of markets. Seldon explains how the results of government…

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  • The IEA, the LSE, and the Influence of Ideas

    by Arthur Seldon

    Volume 7 of The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon includes six works that discuss the role of the Institute of Economic Affairs, where Seldon spent most of his working life. Friedrich Hayek regarded himself as partly responsible for the creation of the IEA. The Institute, founded by Sir Antony Fisher, was influential not only in the United Kingdom—where it had…

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  • Introducing Market Forces into “Public” Services

    by Arthur Seldon

    Introducing Market Forces into “Public” Services is the fourth volume in Liberty Fund’s The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon. It brings together six of Seldon’s most pivotal essays that discuss his alternative proposals for paying for “public” services rather than through coercive taxation. Specifically, Seldon focuses on the varied use of vouchers and the choices people have regarding purchasing or…

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  • The State Is Rolling Back

    by Arthur Seldon

    The State Is Rolling Back, the second volume of Liberty Fund’s The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon, brings together a comprehensive collection of fifty-four articles reflecting Arthur Seldon’s scholarly development. By the late twentieth century, Arthur Seldon was one of the most powerful exponents of classical liberalism, helping to stimulate its revival, through both his own writings and the publications…

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  • The Virtues of Capitalism

    by Arthur Seldon

    The Virtues of Capitalism lays the foundation of his views and theories of capitalism and its alternatives. The first part, Corrigible Capitalism; Incorrigible Socialism, was first published in 1980. It explains why, Seldon believes, “private enterprise is imperfect but redeemable,” but the “state economy promises the earth, and ends in coercion to conceal its incurable failure.” The second part, Capitalism,

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  • The Welfare State: Pensions, Health, and Education

    by Arthur Seldon

    Volume 6 of The Collected Works of Arthur Seldon examines the failure of state-supported welfare programs to benefit the people most in need of help. The eight articles and one book in this volume encompass almost forty years of criticism of the welfare state. Seldon argues that the welfare state cannot, in the long run, solve the problem of poverty.

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